Debt Consolidation Services Online

a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization     
Online Credit Reports


Consolidate your debt with our Fast Start program

A licensed nonprofit debt consolidation company will help you consolidate debt quickly and avoid filing personal bankruptcy. We have outlined the steps of our debt consolidation program

Apply online for your no obligation consultation quote
at this step you must fill in the no obligation consultation quote form to qualify into our non-profit organization.

We will contact you on preliminary enrollment to a debt management program
at this step we will contact you about the best type of consolidation is best for you.

  • We offer free counseling on what programs are available to you.
  • Define the difference between secured and unsecured debt.

Enter your creditor information for an accurate monthly payment
at this step you will enter the basic information about you accounts to acquire a monthly payment specific to your creditors qualifications.

  • We are not just estimating your monthly payment.
  • Enter your information at your own pace.

Process your information into our database for approval and make second contact
at this step we enter your creditor information and send you the lowest monthly payment possible

  • You now receive accurate monthly quote.
  • Choose the best method of consolidation.

Enter specific information about your creditors and budget
at this step you will send us your client agreement and budget disclosure forms.

  • We setup your method of monthly payments.
  • We verify all forms are filled in accurately.

We process your information with customer service department
at this step we process all your information into our customer service database.

  • We send you a welcome package.
  • We electronically send your proposals to your creditors.

Welcome to our non-profit debt management program
at this step you will be able to enter our secure online management website.

  • Enter our secure management website as often as you wish 24 hours a day.
  • Add or remove accounts as you wish electronically from secure website.
  • You can handle all account information online.


A nonprofit credit counseling organization exempt from income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code formed to help reduce the incidence of personal bankruptcy and non-payment of legitimate unsecured debt.


a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization